September Notable Milestone Recognition

Nicole Brocato Celebrating 10 years | VPCL Central Congratulations to Nicole on this important milestone! Campus Life is extremely fortunate to have Nicole on our team. She has a remarkable talent for synthesizing complex information and ensuring our team has the resources and support to […]

First Week Greetings from Dr. Shea

Dear Deacs, As you end your first week of classes, I hope you are getting settled in on campus and in Winston-Salem! Like our current third-year students, my junior year has begun, and I could not be more excited. From welcoming our newest Deacs to the […]

September Staff Service Anniversaries

In acknowledgment and appreciation to Campus Life staff celebrating service anniversaries this month. 1 Year 2 Years 4 Years 5 Years 6 Years 7 Years 8 Years 10 Years 12 Years 19 Years 20 Years 35 Years

August Staff Service Anniversaries

In acknowledgment and appreciation to Campus Life staff celebrating service anniversaries this month. 1 Year 2 Years 4 Years 8 Years 9 Years 26 Years 35 Years

Collaborative Communities Professional Development

In an effort to prepare for a variety of scenarios that could impact campus climate, Campus Life is implementing a framework called Collaborative Communities. This approach is a multilayered and comprehensive array of strategies to create a culture of engagement around divisive matters and proactively […]
