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March Staff Service Anniversaries

In acknowledgment and appreciation to Campus Life staff celebrating service anniversaries this month. 1 YEAR 2 YEARS 3 YEARS 4 YEARS 6 YEARS 7 YEARS *Dual Report 27 YEARS

February Staff Service Anniversaries

In acknowledgment and appreciation to Campus Life staff celebrating service anniversaries this month. 2 YEARS 3 YEARS 4 YEARS 7 YEARS 8 YEARS 12 YEARS 13 YEARS 14 YEARS

Welcome Back Message from Dean of Students Matt Clifford

Welcome back to campus, Deacs!  Wherever and however you spent your winter break, I hope it brought rest and reflection and has you ready to return to Wake Forest for the spring semester. I can’t think of a better way to start the semester than […]

January Notable Milestone Recognition

Dan Paquette Celebrating 10 years | University Police Officer Dan Paquette is not only an exceptional officer but also a valued member of our campus community. He is always eager to lend a helping hand and goes above and beyond to find new ways to […]
